Tuesday, April 7, 2009

crazy people part dos

OMG my ex still doesn't get it!!!! If you felt like I was such a beautiful woman and such a good woman then you should have treated me as such when you had me. Its too late I'm done I mean does he actually think by calling, texting and emailing me 24/7 I am going to take him back? No cause that actually irritates me and gets on my nerves!! When someone says they dont want to be bothered, take their word for it! you cannot force someone to like you, love you or want to be with you! And they more you push, the further away they go!

So anyhoo, I wanted to get a mans perspective on the celibacy thing, so I asked a friend of a friend what he thought. And he posed the question : would you buy a car without test driving it first? And the answer is absolutely not!! But is that how we should look at our potential mate? As a car? And inanimate object? In a way it kind of makes sense but think about it this way. Sex is (was intended to be) a gift and privilege given by God to married people as a way to show their love for one another. It was never intended to be given away freely to anyone who wanted it. So if you're not supposed to have sex before marriage, that means that both the man and the woman are virgins so if they have never experience sex before they have nothing to compare it to, so how would you know whether the sex was good or bad? You wouldnt! you would think it was the best thing ever!!!! How enlightening is that?? two people giving each other something that they have never given anyone else! And never wishing or hoping for anything other than what you already have because in your mind there is nothing better? And yes you can have that without being a virgin at marriage, but a lot of people dont think that way. if they did the divorce rate wouldnt be so high and people wouldnt be running around here cheating all over the place. correct me if I'm wrong...................... seriously if you agree or disagree lets start talking about it!

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